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Donations are essential to continue the work of the NAACP but are not mandatory to attend this virtual event.
This year during an unprecedented time of COVID19 and the resurgence of racism in the United States, the Evanston/North Shore NAACP will host its annual Freedom Fund “Event.”
In years past, the branch has hosted a Freedom Fund Banquet at the Evanston Golf Club on Dempster. Because of COVID19, this year’s event will be held virtually, via Zoom conferencing. We anticipate a large audience and we have made necessary arrangements to accommodate hundreds of viewers. The topic for this year’s event is, We Are Done Dying: The State of Black People in Evanston and North Shore in 2020.
We will have an outstanding program; a Panel Discussion based on the topic, music by Jernone Smith, recognition of six organizations in Evanston for their work in the community, acknowledgement of Gold, Silver, Bronze sponsors and sharing president awards for some who have provided outstanding services in our branch.
The awardees for this year’s Freedom Fund Event includes:
Bethel AME Church, Pastor Rosalind Henderson
Beth Emet The Free Synagogue, Rabbi Andrea London
C&W Market and Ice Cream Parlor, Clarence and Wendy Weaver Ebenezer AME Church, Pastor Deborah Scott
Evanston Township High School, Dr. Marcus Campbell Evanston Fight For Black Lives
Invited panelists includes;
Mr. Dino Robinson, Shore Front Legacy
Mrs. Delores Holmes, Former Alderman, 5th Ward Lionel Jean-Baptiste, Judge, Cook County
Margaret “Peggy” Tarr, Columnist, Evanston Roundtable
The NAACP continues to serve as the oldest and boldest of civil rights organizations in the United States. In our area, we are dedicated in leading, assisting and serving the Black community. This means fighting against all forms of racism and discrimination against people, providing services in voter education and registration, serving on various committees and boards through the region, offering scholarships to high school graduates, giving lectures and workshops on issues related to people of color, naming discrepancies in health care, education, housing, employment and other areas, and being an advocate for fairness, equity, equality and justice for all people.
Your continued support of the NAACP allows us to expand on our work in these areas. Our branch depends almost totally on our one, annual fundraising event, The Freedom Fund Banquet. This year’s Freedom Fund Event will allow us to continue and widen are arc of influence, during such a time as this. People of color are disproportionately affected by COVID19, as well as other health care issues. People of color suffer inequities in education and housing. Your financial support will allow us to continue helping and assisting our people in these areas.
We look forward to your support and seeing you on November 21st at 5:00 PM. A Zoom link will be sent to you and made available to the public.
Dr. Michael C. R. Nabors President
Sponsorship Page for this year’s Evanston/North Shore Freedom Fund Event
Saturday, November 21, 2020
Gold Sponsor
Silver Sponsor
Bronze Sponsor
Please make your checks out to:
Evanston NAACP
and send them to 2010 Dewey Ave Rm302A, Evanston, IL 60201